Dream it. Build it. Deploy it!
Deploy your ideas, unbound
Deploy Anywhere
Free your ideas from infrastructure constraints and deploy them, unbound, to the cloud with the flexibility of Directus and a modern web framework.
Own Your Content, Own Your Code
Maintain complete control and deploy your ideas, unbound, with the freedom of owning your source code.
Headless CMS
Unlock the potential of your data, unbound, with Directus. This versatile headless CMS adapts to your needs, providing a perfect fit for any project.
export async function handle({ event, resolve }) {
return await resolve(event, {
filterSerializedResponseHeaders: (key, value) => {
return key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type';
Unlock your creative potential and own your digital future.
Start building and deploying your ideas today! Explore the power of Directus and modern web frameworks.